Interior lighting design is the seamless integration of art and science. Accentuating the forms, shapes and architecture of your space, our designers will work closely with you to detail how each architectural feature you envision can be enhanced through our lighting design.

Utilizing state of the art lighting technology, with a fundamental understanding that light is an architectural element in-an-of-itself, TiS Global Desigh Group works closely with our Clients throughout all phases of a project in order to provide unparalleled service.

With the advent of energy efficient lighting, many designers focus on offering electrical savings rather than promoting a lighting experience.  Our design and engineering team have been at the forefront of new lighting technology for over 20 years; through our designs we have, effectively, written the manual with regards to cutting-edge applications of new lighting technology.

With over 100 years of combined experience, our designers have a unique understanding of period-correct architectural lighting, and how to implement cutting edge lighting design to recreate these effects.

From modern elements incorporated into period-correct housings, to hidden lighting features that enhance the visual impact of existing features, some of our most acclaimed installations look like nothing has been added at all; until the lights are turned on.

Our designs start with the mandate of ‘form and function’, not simply one following the other. Our designers and engineers create the optimal balance between feature driven aspects of your space and usable light spectrum for you and your guests.

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